Centralized Installation of Network Agents with Centralized Deploy

Handy Backup allows the installation of Network agents on remote machines using a special utility “Centralize Deploy Tool”, included with the Server Network solution. The working window of the utility is shown below.

Centralized Installation of Network Agents with Centralized Deployment

To perform centralized installation of Network agents on remote machines, please use the following instructions.

Note: Install Handy Backup Server Network (panel) on a PC. Turn on the computer with the agent, without installing anything on it first.

  1. Select the "Server" section in the main menu → "centralized installation of agents".
Server menu in Handy Bakup Server Network
  1. Fill in the required fields. Enter the name or IP-workstation, where the Network Agent will be installed. Next, enter the name and password of the user (Windows login data), on whose behalf the Network Agent is being installed on a remote machine.
  2. Enter the name or IP of the server, i.e. the IP of the PC-server.
  3. You can also change the installation type (32- or 64-bit OS) for each machine, if necessary (by default, the program sets the “auto” mode and automatically determines the bit depth of the OS used).
  4. You can select any free port on the PC-agent, for example 455.


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