Handy Backup Support

Registration Issues


Follow Registration Management instruction to move or recover your license if you lost your registration number, move your copy of Handy Backup to another computer, or change your OS.

User Manual / FAQ / Whitepapers




Whitepapers (Useful Usecases about Handy Backup)

Technical support contact Information

  • Free technical support by email
  • Guaranteed response time - 1-3 business days
  • Patches, fixes, extended help and other related information

Mail icon support@handybackup.net

Note: To make sure our support response letter isn’t eaten up by spam filters, please add support@handybackup.net to your email address book.

We provide technical support for you. Please be as complete as possible in your request. The better you describe the problem the sooner we will be able to solve it.

More contacts:

We are at GMT+7, EST +12

Telegram Logo

Telegram: Handy_Backup_Support

Feedback Form

Your name *
Your e-mail *
Message *

Before You Contact Us

Before sending a message to our Support Team, please check out the latest build of the Handy Backup. It is highly possible that your problem has been already fixed there.

When sending a support request, please include the following information:

If the program is running:

  • The backup software version and build date
  • Your Windows version, build and the service pack number
  • Please describe as precisely as you can what you were doing before the error occurred
  • Please describe (or send us some screenshots with) the settings of the task on which the error occurred.
  • The log file will also be appreciated. To get the log file, simply right-click on the lowest pane, click on save file, and send us the file.
  • In addition, the content of C:\ProgramData\Novosoft\Handy Backup 8 can be useful. Please open C:\ProgramData\Novosoft, right-click on "Handy Backup 8" and make a ZIP archive to send it to us.

If the program does not run:

  • The backup software version and build date
  • Your Win version, build and the service pack number
  • Please describe (or send us a screenshot with) the error message

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