For Configuring and Installing Network Agents Manually

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Step 1. Before the Manual Installation

To start setting up Handy Backup on remote computers, you need the next things:

  1. Pack of setup files (see below);
  2. Actual version of Handy Backup installation package;
  3. PSExec utility.

Setup Pack

The pack of files you need for installing contain of:

You can download setup files there: download network agent setup files

If you lack any of these files, please call for our Handy Backup manager or send us E-mail using this contact:

Handy Backup Installation Package

The most current version of Handy Backup distributive is available on official site:

You can download installation packages directly using these links:

handybackup_setup.msi - 32-bit installation package.

handybackup_setup_x64.msi - 64-bit installation package.

Note: Download the installation package that is appropriate for your OS (i.e. 32-bit for 32-bit Windows editions and 64-bit for 64-bit Windows)!

The Management Panel and Network Agents are installing from the common package.

PSExec Utility

PSExec utility can be downloaded using the next link:

Step 2. Installation of Management Panel

To install the Management Panel on your main computer, use the next sequence of actions:

  1. Run the Handy Backup installation.
  2. Select "Handy Backup Network / Handy Backup Server Network" (the second option in a list) as a type of installation.
  3. On the next step named "Workstation Settings" choose installing under the account of network administrator, giving appropriate name and password.

This sequence allows you to install Management Panel successfully.

Step 3. Installation of Network Agents

To install Network Agents on remote computers linked in domain, follow these guides:

  1. Create the directory с:\psexec\ and extract in this directory the utility PSExec from archive.
  2. Create the directory c:\remoteinstall\ and another directory called c:\remoteinstall\hb_distributives inside it.
  3. Place files ComputersList_32bit.txt, ComputersList_64bit.txt and remote_workstation_deploy.bat into the directory c:\remoteinstall\.
  4. Place the 32-bit and 64-bit Handy Backup installation packages into the directory c:\remoteinstall\hb_distributives and rename it to handybackup_32bit.msi and handybackup_64bit.msi, respectively.
  5. Edit files ComputersList_32bit.txt and ComputersList_64bit with any text editor, appending in these files network names or IP addresses of remote computers where you plan to install Network Agents.

In ComputersList_32bit.txt file listed all machines where 32-bit version of Network Agent will be installed, and the file ComputersList_64bit.txt contains the names of machines designated for 64-bit version.

Every name or IP address in these files must be placed in a separate string!

  1. Edit the batch file called remote_workstation_deploy.bat, inserting appropriate values for these next variables in it:



These two variables contain user data of account under that the connection and remote installation will be executed.


This variable contains a host IP address of the computer containing Management Panel.


These three variables contain user account data under which the Network Agent will be opened on remote computer.

  1. Share the directory c:\remoteinstall\hb_distributives with user specified in DOMAIN_AND_USER_FOR_REMOTE_CONNECTION making it accessible to read by this user.
  2. Run the Console application (CMD) and go to the directory c:\remoteinstall:

cd c:\remoteinstall

Now run the installation batch file called remote_workstation_deploy.bat

As all Network Agents are installed, Handy Backup is prepared for work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question (Q): What if Network Agents were installed before on remote computers?

Answer (A): We are recommending uninstalling old versions of Network Agents before new installation.

Q: Will I need to configure some extra parameters after the installation of Network Agents?

A: As a general rule, no extra actions will required, as all the parameters needed are setted up during the installation process.

Q: How to install Handy Backup Network Agents on Linux-based machines?

A: The separate instruction for Linux Network Agents is existed. Tell us please if you need a copy of one.

Q: What if some machines where I plan to install Network Agents are not a part of domain?

A: These computers can be set up separately. Call us please for special instructions of installing Handy Backup Network Agents on non-domain machines when you need it.

Alternate Methods of Remote Installation

These are some other methods of installing Network Agents on remote computers existed:

    Use no shared network resources for distribution. Instead the installation package copied as whole on a target computer using PSExec with a key -с:

psexec -c

  1. No PSExec or scripts are used. Handy Backup is installed manually on all the machines in the network.

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