E-mail Notification

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By default, to control status of your tasks, you need to open the program′s main window and find them in the Task View pane. For more convenience, you can receive notifications about task results via e-mail. This behavior is task-specific and needs to be enabled for each task individually. For more details, please see New Task: Pre-, Post-Operation Actions.

E-mail notifications are sent by the Server component of the software. In settings, you need to specify parameters of your mail server, sender, message template, etc.

Configuring e-mail notifications

To enable e-mail notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Check Use e-mail notification.
  2. Fill the following fields:

    Note: If you do not know the exact parameters of your SSL protocol, set up this option to "OS default". Modify this value only when you are know the need to change this parameter!

    Note: On operating systems smaller than Windows 8, the ability to use international mail addresses (i.e. those containing unicode characters) is disabled.

    • SMTP server. Mail server to use to send e-mails.
    • Connection type. Select a connection type used for your email service.
    • SSL protocol. Set up a specific SSL protocol used by your mail server.
    • From. Enter here the same email address as in the "User" field below
    • To. One of more target e-mail addresses where you want to receive notifications
    • Subject. Subject of the letter
    • Body. Click Edit Message Body to change welcome message, signature etc.
Editing notification message text  in Handy Backup
  1. Check Use SMTP notification if your SMTP server requires authorization. Enter the required information in the User and Password fields.
  2. Click Send Test Message to test that all fields are set correctly.

Video Tutorial about Setting up Email Notifications

This video contains instructions for setting up Handy Backup email notification via Gmail. There are instructions for connecting directly to a Google account and a case where the account is protected by 2-Step verification.

Attention: Download and install Handy Backup before watching the video!

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