Technical Support Contacts

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All users of are entitled to free technical support from Novosoft. If you experience any problems installing or using our software that you can′t solve by using this manual, or have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.

Note: Contact information may change from the time of publication. To find most current contacts, please refer to the product website:

  • Free technical support by phone or e-mail
  • Guaranteed response time – 1-3 business days
  • Patches, fixes, extended help and other critical assistance

To make sure that our support response letter is not deleted by spam filters, don′t forget to add to your e-mail address book.

You can also contact us via instant messengers or phone:

Facebook LogoFacebook: NovosoftHandyBackup

Twitter LogoTwitter: Handy_Backup

Telegram LogoTelegram: Handy_Backup_Support

Skype LogoEmail:


Telephone [_const:phone2]

Note: We are at GMT+7, EST +12, which may be inconvenient for your time zone. If you don′t receive an instant response, please accept our apologies and try contacting us via e-mail.

You can also use an Online support form at product website:

Before Contacting Support

Before sending a message to our support team, please download and install the latest build of the program. It is highly possible that your problem has been fixed already.

When sending a support request, please describe the problem with as many details as you can.

If the program is running, include the following information:

  • Version and build date of the program
  • Your operating system (with version and Service Pack number, if applicable)
  • What you were doing before the error occurred
  • Settings and log of the task on which the error occurred
  • General system log
  • An archived folder C:\ProgramData\Novosoft\Handy Backup 8, if you can create an archive.

(Note: The Program Data is a hidden folder! To get access to an address, just copy it in Windows Explorer address string.)

  • If possible, include a screenshot of an error

If the program does not run, include the following information:

  • Version and build date of the program
  • Your operating system (with version and Service Pack number, if applicable)
  • What you were doing before the error occurred
  • If possible, include a screenshot of an error

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