What to do if the error "Invalid descriptor (0x00000006)" occurs?

Frequently Asked Questions

The error 0x00000006 ("Invalid descriptor") appears sometimes during backing up to OneDrive and Dropbox*.

If you see the error "Invalid descriptor (0x00000006)", you should specify a temporary folder which has enough free space for backup. To change your temporary folder you should do the following:

  1. Go to the way
    • For Handy Backup Version 8 -
      C:\ProgramData\Novosoft\Handy Backup 8\Users\%UserName%\Settings;
    • For Handy Backup Version 7 -
      C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\Novosoft\Handy Backup 7\Settings\Services;
  1. Open the workstation configuration file workstation.hbl;
  2. Edit the following parameter
    <param name="TempFolder">path_to_your_temporary_folder</param>
Edit parameter
  1. When you complete, save the file workstation.hbl and quit Handy Backup by using the main menu ("File" -> "Exit"), or just by pressing the key combo Alt+F4.
Exit Handy Backup

If you run Handy Backup as Windows service, then you need also to restart the service by using the Windows Task Manager.

Restart Handy Backup

If you still have the same error after all operations described above, please contact our tech support by an email: support@handybackup.net.

* Caution! If the error 6 (“The handle is invalid”) emerges during backing up to another storage than Dropbox,OneDrive or Yandex Disk, then the cause of this error can be something different than described above.

See also: FAQ | Backup Errors:

What to do if there is no information about my error on the web-site?

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