Quick Start

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In this section you can find quick instructions for backing up or restoring your HDD.

Backing up HDD

Note: Below you can find quick instructions for backing up an HDD. For a detailed description, please see Managing Data with Disaster Recovery.

To back up your HDD, follow these steps:

  1. Boot with a device containing a copy of Disaster Recovery utility.
  2. On the desktop, open My Computer.
  3. On the desktop, open Tasks.
  4. In Tasks, click New Task on the window"s toolbar.
  5. Enter a name for the task, and then click OK.
Create Tasks

Note: If the program doesn"t find any tasks during the startup, a new task is created automatically.

  1. Find your HDD in the list of physical devices in My Computer, and then open it. To back up the entire HDD, drag-and-drop full drive image into the What to Back up folder of the task. To back up a partition, drag-and-drop an object from Partitions.
  2. In My Computer, browse for a folder where you want to store the backup. This may be a folder on another HDD, an FTP location, or your Online Backup account. Drag-and-drop this folder into the Where to Back up folder of the task.

Note: FTP locations and Online Backup are configured via FTP Configurations which is available on the desktop. To learn more, please see Configuring FTP Locations.

Where to Back up
  1. Click Backup on the task"s toolbar.

Immediately after you click Backup, the program starts copying data from What to Back up to folders specified in Where to Back up.

  • To see a detailed log of all operations, double-click Logs.

Restoring HDD

Note: Below you can find quick instructions for restoring an HDD or a partition. For detailed description, please see Managing Data with Disaster Recovery.

To restore your HDD, follow these steps:

  1. On the desktop, open Tasks.
  2. In Tasks, open the task that you used to create the backup.
  3. Click Restore on the task"s toolbar.
Restoring HDD

If you don"t have the task, follow these steps:

  1. On the desktop, open My Computer.
  2. In My Computer, browse for the folder where the backup is stored.
  3. Double-click the Handy Backup Task (.hbt) file. The Import Task dialog opens.
  4. Click Import as a Restore Task.
  5. Click Restore on the task"s toolbar.

Immediately after you click Restore, the program starts restoring the backup to the original place.

Import Task

If you have a disk or partition image file which is not accompanied by a .hbt file, for example, an HDD backup created in Windows version of the program, you can create a restore task from scratch. For more details, please see Restoring Image Backup Made in Windows.


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